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 最近維基解密(wikileaks)抖出AIT相關的電文共有三千多筆,真是包羅萬象,筆者找出「Has Taiwan Priced Itself Out Of The Alternative Energy Market?」來讀,所謂馬騜「節能減炭」之說,從電文時間2010-02-26來看,美國人早就看破馬政權手腳,當中還涉及對台灣可能涉及綠能產業的觀察,還真值得玩味。

 「Has Taiwan Priced Itself Out Of The Alternative Energy Market?」雖然是個問句,大約是說,台灣透過高價格來讓替代能源市場乏人問津。整個電文很長,在此僅錄其摘要:

 ¶1. (SBU) SUMMARY: As part of a multi-pronged strategy to meet the Ma administration's greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction targets, Taiwan authorities plan to increase the island's alternative/renewable energy installed capacity from the current 8 percent to 15 percent by 2025. To achieve this goal, Taiwan has mandated that Taipower, the island's state-owned energy supplier, purchase renewable energy at fixed wholesale prices from producers. In January, the authorities announced a list of wholesale prices for renewable energy. The list quickly came under fire from energy experts, academics, and renewable energy producers, who charged that the rates were not high enough to make renewable energy investment profitable. Although the authorities continued to express public optimism that the rates would attract investment, there have been no public announcements of new renewable energy projects in Taiwan since the rates were published, and the largest wind power investor in Taiwan recently announced it would cease operations on the island. Although the authorities are investing billions of U.S. dollars in developing Taiwan's green energy technologies industrial base, critics contend that low wholesale prices for renewable energy show that the authorities are more interested in the commercial potential of renewable energy technologies, rather than in their potential to reduce the island's own GHG emissions. END SUMMARY.






 末尾很諷刺地寫道:「...even if Taiwan doesn't expand its own use of renewable energy by very much, increasing production and export of green energy goods could help Taiwan "save the world."」台灣就算沒有擴大再生能源的使用,但綠能產品產量的增加與外銷,可以幫助台灣「拯救世界」!



《維基解密》創辦人Julian Assange談《維基解密》

